Wing Library

Wing Library started as a flexible flying wing center of gravity calculator for complex wings with multiple panels, forward swept and configurable MAC and CG positions and evolved to a public library for wing plans. Enjoy!

Last Wings

equal swept wing a forked version

Baby gremlin


Test wing for Be-10


my wing

FND Wing 130cm a forked version

Is an original Versa Blunt Nose build at 120% plans

Most voted

Classic 1200mm zagi (6)

made popular in Brazil by

frigate2 (3)

Alula (3)

YAY FPV Racing Wing (wingspan 800mm) (3)

pelican60 (2)


Yeetus Mk.4

Monster Wing a forked version

This is a wing brought from the Fury flyer rcgroups thread. It was made and scratch built from foamboard by the user "Stuz14" who has not been active for a few years. It makes a great fpv platform.

Classic 1200mm zagi a forked version a forked version

made popular in Brazil by

Grim Reaper XXL a forked version a forked version a forked version

Grim Reaper XL + modified center section

42" snub nose FPV wing a forked version

Based on