Wing Library

Wing Library started as a flexible flying wing center of gravity calculator for complex wings with multiple panels, forward swept and configurable MAC and CG positions and evolved to a public library for wing plans. Enjoy!

Last Wings


TL001 a forked version

TL001 a forked version

TL001 a forked version

TL001 a forked version


Most voted

Classic 1200mm zagi (6)

made popular in Brazil by

frigate2 (3)

Alula (3)

YAY FPV Racing Wing (wingspan 800mm) (3)

pelican60 (2)


Horten XVI Colibri a forked version

Simple Delta

Foam board concept

frigate2 a forked version

stubby30 a forked version

DTF with DTF/basswood laminate spar at 2.8" from LE. PW51. winglets on tips. AUW 250g. Floater,acrobatic. Add weight to 500g for 40mph winds.

foldable 1
